Bachelor’s in economics and master’s in data science by the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM). She is a PhD candidate in Engineering Management at Stevens Institute of Technology (SIT). Her research focus on disaster risk management, for 3 years (2016-2018) she was project manager of the Urban Resilience research program between SIT and Twente University. Before she worked at Centro Mario Molina, an environmental think tank in Mexico, where she was part of the economics and public policy team. As part of the adaptation to climate change team she worked as a consultant for the ministry of finance and environment. Her team was involved in the design of the first Mexican carbon tax. In 2013 she received a grant from the Environmental Economics Program for Latin America (LACEEP) to develop her bachelor thesis “Natural disaster and creative destruction “. She is also founding member of the Mexican Data Science Society (SoCieDat).
- Disaster Risk Management
- Public Policy Design
- Data for Social Good
- Ph.D. Candidate Engineering Management
- Stevens Institute of Technology
- M.S. Data Science
- Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
- B.S. Economics
- Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico
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