Topic: Data Policy


Data for Good Can’t be a Casualty of Tech Restructuring 

December 21, 2022 by Caroline Buckee (Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health), Satchit Balsari (Harvard FXB Center for Health and Human Rights), Andrew Schroeder (Direct Relief)

TAGS:Mobility Data Data Policy Blog data for good data mobility data


Data in Crisis — Rethinking Disaster Preparedness in the United States

Published in New England Journal of Medicine, Medicine and Society (2021)
September 1, 2021 by Satchit Balsari, M.D., M.P.H., Mathew V. Kiang, Sc.D., and Caroline O. Buckee, D.Phil.

TAGS:Mobility Data Data Readiness Data Policy Disasters Spotlight mapping vulnerabilities mobility data

Our Work

Safe, Responsible, Fair and Equitable use of Human Mobility Data

The CrisisReady team hosted a series of seminars in March and April 2020 to build consensus around key technical, ethical and policy issues...

Data Policy


Vaccine Distribution, Deserts, and Data Analytics

by Camber Systems

Last week, President Joe Biden announced his goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in his first 100 days in office. Equitably distributing a vaccine to that many Americans now stands as the country’s final and most daunting task to defeat the pandemic.

TAGS:Data Policy OpenDP COVID-19 News vaccines data protection


OpenDP: open-source software tools for privacy-protective statistical analysis of sensitive personal data.

by Abhishek Bhatia

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of developing analytical pipelines that leverage data streams generated by individuals and communities to drive data-driven responses to crises. As these data increasingly exchange hands within agencies and are shared publicly for broader research, Salil Vadhan from Harvard SEAS and Navin Vembar from Camber Systems discuss the inadequacy of traditional methods for the protection of sensitive personal data.

TAGS:Mobility Data Data Readiness Data Policy OpenDP News SEAS IQSS privacy


Mobility Data and the Limits of Data Protection Frameworks

October 7, 2020 by Abhishek Bhatia

The near real-time information about human movement provided by aggregated population mobility data has tremendous potential to help refine interventions when appropriate legal, organizational, and computational safeguards are in place. As the private sector, policymakers, and academia work together to leverage novel sources of data to track the spread of the pandemic, Randall Harp, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, and Juniper Lovato from the University of Vermont argue that anonymization at the individual level is insufficient– the notion of privacy should extend to communities as well.

TAGS:Mobility Data Data Policy OpenDP COVID-19 Blog UVM data protection privacy


Government Access to Mobile Phone Data for Contact Tracing- The Brennan Center for Justice

by Abhishek Bhatia

The Brennan Center for Justice is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that conducts rigorous research to identify problems and provide in-depth empirical findings and compelling analyses of pressing legal and policy issues.

TAGS:OpenDP COVID-19 Data Policy Blog Brennan Center apps contact-tracing legislation policy mobility

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