Topic: Data Readiness


Measuring Mortality in Complex Emergencies

  • DATE:
    Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:00am — Wed, May 22, 2024 at 12:00pm

Measuring Mortality in Complex Emergencies

TAGS:Disasters Data Readiness Webinar data for good


How Can Human Mobility Data Reshape Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Management? 

March 4, 2022

Human mobility data, which shows an individual’s movement as measured by their activity on smartphones and social media platforms, has reshaped emergency management and response. In the seventh DMDN meeting, this topic is discussed in detail with key collaborators from FEMA, CalOES, The City of New Orleans, and NetHope.

TAGS:Disasters Wildfires Mobility Data Hurricanes Data Readiness Data News DMDN translational readiness Human Mobility Data Emergency Response Crisis Mangement Situation Reports Natural Disasters Disaster Mobility Data Network


Data in Crisis — Rethinking Disaster Preparedness in the United States

Published in New England Journal of Medicine, Medicine and Society (2021)
September 1, 2021 by Satchit Balsari, M.D., M.P.H., Mathew V. Kiang, Sc.D., and Caroline O. Buckee, D.Phil.

TAGS:Disasters Data Policy Mobility Data Data Readiness Spotlight mobility data mapping vulnerabilities


As Disaster Response Changes, Data Leads the Way

by Amarica Rafanelli

The environments in which disasters occur are changing. Populations are denser. Climates are more extreme. And technology is burgeoning into new realms. These changes have ushered in a new era of disaster response.

TAGS:Disasters Wildfires Data Readiness News California CalOES CDPH


OpenDP: open-source software tools for privacy-protective statistical analysis of sensitive personal data.

by Abhishek Bhatia

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of developing analytical pipelines that leverage data streams generated by individuals and communities to drive data-driven responses to crises. As these data increasingly exchange hands within agencies and are shared publicly for broader research, Salil Vadhan from Harvard SEAS and Navin Vembar from Camber Systems discuss the inadequacy of traditional methods for the protection of sensitive personal data.

TAGS:OpenDP Data Policy Mobility Data Data Readiness News privacy IQSS SEAS


Identifying Locations with Possible Undetected Imported Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Cases by Using Importation Predictions

Published in Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(7), 1465–1469
July 1, 2020 by De Salazar, P. M., Niehus, R., Taylor, A., Buckee, C. O., & Lipsitch, M.

TAGS:Data Readiness Epidemiology News Journal Article health data science


Aggregated mobility data could help fight COVID-19

Published in Science (New York, N.Y.), 368(6487), 145–146
April 10, 2020 by Buckee, C. O., Balsari, S., Chan, J., Crosas, M., Dominici, F., Gasser, U., Grad, Y. H., Grenfell, B., Halloran, M. E., Kraemer, M. U. G., Lipsitch, M., Metcalf, C. J. E., Meyers, L. A., Perkins, T. A., Santillana, M., Scarpino, S. V., Viboud, C., Wesolowski, A., & Schroeder, A.

TAGS:COVID-19 Mobility Data Data Readiness News Journal Article mobility health pandemic

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